Credit Score Compatibility: The Connection Between Financial Wealth And Romantic Health
In a study from 2015, researchers found a connection between the likelihood of a breakup in a relationship and the credit scores of each person.
Essentially, this study suggested that two people with excellent credit scores are far more likely to stay together long-term than a couple where one or both parties have abysmal scores. Because finances are such a significant aspect of relationships, the couple’s credit score compatibility is a reliable indicator of potential strains down the road.
Much marital discord is found in household in finances. According to a different study from 2012, “financial disagreements are stronger predictors of divorce relative to other common marital disagreements.”
Money is a significant dynamic in people’s social and romantic lives.
This begs the question, should you request a credit report for your significant other? (ideally before they become too significant) A pre-screening for fiscal health prior to the co-mingling of assets may well be prudent, but few of us would feel polite asking…at least the first time around.
This article was originally published in the Dominion Lending Centres June 2017 newsletter.