The Silver Lining
This is an uncertain and troubling time in our world. We are doing what is required of us to slow down the spread of a rampant virus and protecting those at risk. We are social distancing. This means we are working from home, our kids are suddenly figuring out how to do online learning and we don’t get to see our friends and loved ones the way we are used to.
What can we learn from this “new normal”? We are given a gift that we have are always asking for: more time. Required to slow down and take a step back. How are you spending your time? Are you finally tackling the long “Honey-Do” list that has been excused away for too long? When your child asks you to read one more story, now you saying yes?
How can we take this gift of time and make it the greatest gift we have received without leaving our homes? Here are some ideas:
- Participate in Edmonton Window Art Walk. Not just for kids. Decorate your windows and then enjoy a walk in your community and see what your neighbours have in their windows.
- March 26: Encouraging Words
- March 29: Flowers
- April 1: Jokes
- April 4: Easter Eggs
- Check in with 1 person each day. Who did you cross paths with everyday that now you haven’t seen since social distancing started? Send them a text or email or give them a call. A small work of encouragement can go a long way.
- Help those in need. Contact your local community league and post on their social media sites that you are willing to help. When you go to get groceries, offer to pick up a senior’s or single Mom’s grocery list too. Go back to your childhood of playing Ding-Dong-Ditch as you leave them on the door step.
- Stay active. Discover news ways to exercise at home. There are many apps, videos and resources available to help you out with this.
- Recognize when you are feeling down and reach out for help. We are all in this together. We all have moments when we are going to get cabin fever. Call a friend, a mentor or a help line and talk through what your experiencing. The person on the other end is going through the same things.
What ideas have you found helpful for you in this time? Share them with us.